Monday, April 9, 2012

School Stories

Another day of exhausting, and long day of school. Today it was especially boring, because one of my best friends wasn't there. Oh well. School started with math, worst subject (other than biology). It was unrelentingly boring, and quite annoying with two boys yelling and squealing in one ear, with a yapping teacher in the other. We took a test, which was easy enough (even with twiddle-Dee and twiddle-dumb shouting in your ear). After math it was English, here we go! This is my favorite subject out of the whole day! Even though he piles homework onto our schedules, I always come out of that class feeling accomplished!
Today we talked about Diction and Detail in stories (which is great for me on writing) so I soaked in every word. I was so excited with the new information and ideas flooding through my head, that I had forgotten about the other worst period of the day, Biology. We talked about the worst subject as well, we go. I tried to keep my head down and not look at the bored faces of everyone in the class. Nobody seemed to be enjoying this subject in particular anyway. I doodled dreamily on my notes, as she sped quickly through the notes.
After Biology, it was Russian. I really hate this subject, more than the other two. The teacher treats us like kids, and she makes us do annoying and not beneficial exercises. I probably glanced longingly at my savior, otherwise known as the "clock" to most people. I looked at it about 50 times, still receiving no good results, until finally at 12:20, the loud and obnoxious bell rattled my ears, as I quickly swept out of the room. My stomach had been growling none stop all day, so I didn't waste time in getting to lunch. My friend Rachel was sitting, hovered over her notes, studying. I plopped my watery bought spaghetti on the lunch table, and began chatting endlessly to her and scarfing down my pasta at the same time. I ate my lunch in about 10 minutes, and rushed to the library to cuddle up in the corner with a good book.
So there I was, my nose in a book called "A Chinese Cinderella", in the warm atmosphere of the library, the smell of the pages of the books, imagining to the point of no return. I was so engrossed in my book, I didn't realize the painful and agonizing ring of the bell, signaling the end of lunch and the beginning of Bible.
Bible was slow, and mostly independent studying, so I sped through my work, and continued on reading my book. The period was then over, and I slowly and reluctantly walked to history. My hand was throbbing by the end of the period, from writing endless notes the whole time. Then Study hall came and went, and school was finally over! I excitedly grabbed my back pack, and rushed into the rain with Rachel, soaking my blonde hair to a drench.
So there is my boring and long day of school, that you heard about in the beginning. It probably wasn't fun reading about it, than it was experiencing it. Well, I hope you liked this little blog I made, and hope you give me some good pointers for the next one!
Thank you!